Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

Last year was the most challenging year of my life.  I did two of the most stressful things that you can do.  It made me a stronger person, and I am a better person for going through these experiences.  I started a new job, which is wonderful! I am so happy there. It is a very rewarding job, and the people are great! However, with any transition it is stressful. I also got a divorce which is pretty obvious why its stressful. Weird saying it still, but it happened. I think I am doing pretty great though! I have an amazing family who is very supportive and great friends who are super fun to hangout with.  I also got a new kitten.  Her name is Mia Mittens aka Miacat (pronounced mer-cat).  Her and Otis are starting to get along just fine.  It is cute, they are friends.  Watching a 20 lb cat get chased by a 4 lb kitten never gets old.

I also got a new nephew! He is a bundle of joy, just adorable.  I wish I lived closer to all of my family but thankfully technology can bridge that gap a little bit. Google Hangouts for the win! My other nephews are growing like weeds, I love seeing them grow up.  For Christmas I got them all Bucky Badger hats, it was pretty adorable. My family is very important to me, I am so happy I am so close with them all.  On a sadder family note I also said goodbye to two of my grandparents (both my dad's parents) this past year.  They both lived pretty full lives, it was sad but I know they are now in a better place and pain free.  Love you both!

I also joined a running group (Endurance House Madison, shameless plug) and made a lot of great friends there. They helped me reestablish myself as a runner.  I look forward to every Tuesday! They helped me run over 700 miles in 2013. That included 2 1/2 marathons, 1 full marathon, and a couple other races.  I ran distances I never thought were possible. You really can do anything if you put your mind to it and have the right support group to back you up. My goal for 2014... run 800 miles.  I think it can be done. I started off the new year by running a light 4 mile run on new years day morning.  It was fantastic.  Running in the cold only sucks if you don't get the layers right. haha.  After the first mile your core warms up and you are good to go.

So 2013 was a hell of a roller coaster. How does that song go, you never know you were high until you are low? I think I got it, thanks :) My goal for 2014 is to just have less of that.  I want to excel in my running and possibly do a triathlon, but other than that I don't want to do any live altering changes.  I want to just be. Get used to life, and be happy.  Let go of unwanted/needed stress and just do what makes me happy.

So here is to a happy, relaxing 2014. Cheers!


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