Crazylegs 2014

There is always that one race that defines you as a runner.  One that you look back on and say, "yup, this is when I crossed the line." The line that distinguished you from an average joe to a runner. Crazylegs 2013 was that race for me. A year ago I ran this race, it was my first ever beyond the distance of 5K. It moved me beyond my comfort zone, beyond what I knew I could accomplish.  Looking back on it, it's where I started a journey. It all started with a friend making a comment saying, "you should sign up" (thanks Dave), and sign up I did.

My goal for this year was simple, beat Tim from last year.  I have been light training all winter.  Running outside about one time per week with friends and inside 0-2 times. This spring I started gearing up for a race I have in a couple weeks. However, the Crazylegs 8K was also on my list. I also switched up my training regiment this year.  I decided to base my training off of Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon intermediate training. Its been great so far, my speed has really increased with the tempo and sprint work. I don't suggest this training for beginners, starting with his beginner training is the way to go.  I did that last year and it was really good. Exactly what I needed.

Ready for the race
The race was a perfect day, 45 degrees, sunny, and a light breeze.  I always love seeing so many people line up for a race.  I heard there were 34k runners/walkers signed up this year.  That is pretty impressive.  The first mile I actually held back a little bit, let the super quick people go ahead.  Even holding back I still found myself at a quick 6:22 first mile.  I went on to do a couple more like that.  The last mile I slowed a bit, but still finished in 33:53.  A 8 minute improvement over last year.  I couldn't be happier.  I'm already thinking about how I could be quicker, more on that later though.

What a finish!
I really like this race, its fun. The people are great, the band is rockin', and to me this is the first big activity I do in spring.  After the winter we had, it is welcomed with open arms. The best Crazyleg runner I saw was a UW goalie dressed in full pads (with shoes, not skates) running the race.  As he entered the stadium the stands erupted in cheer.  It was impressive. I'll most likely run this race again next year.



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