2014 was relaxing, onward to 2015

My goal for 2014 was to be still. No life altering events. For the most part I succeeded. My other goal for this year was to excel at running and try out a triathlon. Well, injury happened which killed my running this summer. Not before some excellent races though. I did my childhood dream of running the Grand Rapids River Bank Run 25K. Finished in 1:55. The following weekend I ran a back to back race called conquer the capital (10k then 1/2 marathon the next day). That probably wasn't very bright :). During my downtime I did a lot of cross training though and now getting back into running. I only ran for 4 months out of the year but still covered over 390 miles. After injury I was told I could bike as long as it didn't hurt, I covered 989 miles. I know, super nerdy to keep all that data, but hey I like data :). All and all, it was a good year.

So what to do for a goal in 2015?  Triathlon sounds nice, lets do one of those. Lets also make it a goal not to do 2 weekend races in a row :). I should probably have some fun vacation goals this next year as well. I want to see the Dells, its sad I haven't. I also want to see Devil's Lake and go hiking. I have heard Door County is nice, lets go there too. This year will be named "A Wisconsin Adventure".

My race list, so far I'm planning:

New Years Day Dash 5mi

Door county 1/2 marathon: http://www.doorcountyhalfmarathon.com/

Madison Mini : http://www.madisonminimarathon.com/

Parteeville Tri : http://racedayeventsllc.com/content/pardeeville-triathlon

Couples Tri : http://couplestriathlonmadison.com/

If I'm feeling good I might do the Chicago Marathon, if I can get in.

Happy new years everyone!


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